Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Hair, Rhinos, and Breastpumps!

I have been having small, random thoughts about KK for the last two days, but since none of them could individually become a post, I haven't messed with it.  However, I now feel as though I have enough small thoughts to compile them into one hodgepodge blogging event -- incoherent though it may be...

Kynzie is going through an unfortunate hair phase.  And by that I mean that her hair is falling out!  Turns out this happens to babies?  I had no idea.  This, in itself, is not so bad.  Yes, we were pumped when she came out with so much beautiful dark hair. And yes I was enjoying watching her hair grow and get longer.  But just having hair fall back out would have been a minor setback.  What we have is something far more bizarre.  Kynzie has lost all of the hair on the top of her head except for a small racing stripe down the very middle.  It's a weird monk-like do with a small mohawk added in...I've been trying various come-overs, but nothing's working so far.  And let's not forget that none of the hair in the back is falling out, so it is becoming a lovely shade of mullet.  Beautiful.  Actually, it is still beautiful, which is the most shocking part about it!  How can she still be this gorgeous with hair like that?? It seems to defy all logic and reason, but it is so nonetheless.  I am, however, looking forward to the time when her hair begins to act normally!

Kynzie has changed so much in only a month!  When I think back to how much she was awake and alert the first couple of weeks, it's astounding to see how far she's come so quickly!  I bought her an activity gym for her one-month birthday and she loves it! She will sit and look in the mirror or stare at the monkeys.  Her favorite part, though, is the rhino and bird mobile in the middle.  She will stare and smile at it for minutes at a time!  Minutes are like hours to a baby much in the same way that one year is like 7 years to a you can see how huge this is!

I think James and I are becoming more adept at this whole parenting thing, as well.  When she cries (which is on the whole much less often than before) we can calm her quickly and know more readily what she wants.  I am starting to feed her before she cries because she's hungry and get her to sleep before she works herself up and cries for an hour!  Now, this is not happening 100 percent of the time, but we are trying really hard! Today was a great day, so this is a good day for a blog post of this nature.  Yesterday would not have been a good day to discuss my parenting skills, as I spent most of the day confused about what she wanted and sad that I couldn't seem to give it to her.

**Warning!  The following is of a relatively personal nature, so be prepared**

I am breastfeeding Kynzie and have not yet started pumping at all.  It has been a pretty daunting task for me.  I have this amazing pump (Medela) and I've known that I should probably start soon, but until late last week I hadn't even opened the backpack to see what was inside!  When I finally did it scared me even more because there were soo many parts and tubes and buttons...oh my...  So I found the manual online and read the entire thing.  I even started reading it again in Spanish and then remembered that it would be all the same information and stopped.  That helped a ton.  I sanitized everything and got everything ready last week and it has been sitting in the corner of the living room since then.  Just staring at me.  The only time I have felt the need to pump is at night.  KK is sleeping so well that she will go 8 or 9 hours without eating.  Great for her, not so great for my boobs.  So tonight it begins!  Maybe...if I don't chicken out...I think I am going to go read the manual one more time.


  1. LOVE your blog Amy! I'm going through all the same things, so I can totally relate! It's funny, we brought Eva's playgym out for the first time when she turned one month old too! And I get the pumping thing- I have an electric medela too and it is totally intimidating at first! Then when you use it you start thinking, it can't be this easy...but it is! So no worries! But if you ever do want to talk to someone about any of this stuff let me know. Eva is 6.5 weeks old so I think she's just one or two weeks older than your little one. Her and Kynzie are going through the milestones right around the same time! Very cool!

  2. Amy I love your blog. I wish I had the ability you have to put as elegant as you do! I have a medela pump as well it is amazing out of the many pumps I have used over the years I wish I had this one sooner! Its amazing! I don't have girls but if there's ever anything u need or want to talk about I am here!! Kynzie is beautiful! Thank you for sharing yalls life with us. Your blog makes me feels like I'm. Right there and not miles and miles away!

  3. Thank you both for the words of encouragement! I used it last night and it was way easier than I though it was going to be! I'm so glad you guys are enjoying the blog :)

  4. Amy, great blog posts! I am sure you are both doing a great job being parents. Just remember, she is new to this world and she doesn't know if you do things RIGHT or not!! Ha! OH, and her hair will look gorgeous again , one day!! Enjoy every moment with her. It goes by so very quickly! So happy for you guys. Vickie otts

  5. i pump every other day and its a big help. i've done it ever since we got home and brandon gives finley a bottle every other day. i love my medela pump too!! i had to have my sister explain it to me. doesn't it make you feel like a cow?? i also feel like one giant science experiment going through all this. :)

    and p.s. i think we have the same play mat! fin stares at birds and a rhino too!
