Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Mission: Find the Hand

So today Kynzie decided it was time she explored the world around her a little bit more...and by that I mean that she was bound and determined to 1. find her hand  2. bring it to her mouth  and 3. suck on it!  This is more difficult than you might first imagine. She was at this for a good 2 minutes or so before I got the flip and began getting a video of it.  It's too bad because most of the quality exploration happened before I was filming (per usual).  However, this was too cute not to share anyway, and I have been wanting to figure out how to post videos to this thing.  She ended up quitting and just sucking on my fingers, because that is way easier, but we'll get there eventually!!

1 comment:

  1. How cute. Scott was sitting on the couch with me when I watch this and he started making her sounds she was making and said " baby, more please" when it was done. So of course we watched again and he was imitating her putting his hands in his mouth. I think he wants a little sister hehe :)
