Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, April 18, 2011

When you're smiling, the whole world smiles with you

KK has started to smile!

Well, sort of... Let me explain:

Kynzie has started to really get on a schedule--ish.  She wakes up around 8 or 9 and stays awake until about 10 or 10:30, then she is back down until 1 or 2, then she's awake until 4 or so, then asleep until 7 or 8, then awake until 11, then she does her big sleep until about 5, then goes back to sleep until 8.  It's a pretty awesome schedule!  Except for the days when there is no schedule and she keeps me guessing all day :)

My favorite time of day is definitely from 8 until 10 in the morning! She is the most awake then and the most aware.  We do most of our "play" during that time.  I put that word in quotations because she is still not really playing by any sort of standard except the one that I made up for us.  According to that standard she is blowing the top off the charts :)  Anyway, we play in the bouncer, the swing, or just on my lap.  I sing to her (mostly old hymns and Beatles--because it makes sense to us! Although I always start with the good morning song that I made up after she was born), I let her feel different textures, I make silly sounds, and sometimes I just talk to her and let her follow the sound of my voice with her eyes. She normally can't handle more than 15 minutes or so of any of them before she loses interest, but it's been fun!

The best part of our morning together time is when she smiles!  When I put her in my lap and sing or talk to her, she will look right at me and smile!  It is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen!  I am not saying that she necessarily knows that she is smiling at me, but she is and I love it! James and I tried for several minutes Saturday morning to get a picture of it, but it comes and goes so quickly we just couldn't quite catch it!  It almost makes me cry when she does it, because she is so beautiful and it just melts my heart! It's a good thing she can't talk yet, because that gummy smile would get her an-y-thing that she asked!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love that you love being a mom so much! It's funny, some days I feel like I invented loving your children because it's so amazing and special, such a blessing -- it doesn't feel like it could be a commonplace experience. LOL, if that makes any sense. Anyhoo, I'm happy happy happy for you guys :o)
