Lilypie First Birthday tickers

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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Gaseous Escapades

So I wrote a post awhile back, entitled The Vacuum, that addressed Kynzie's digestive issues.  She has been pretty colic-y since about two weeks after she was born.  However, the has problem has become sooo much better in the last couple of weeks! My doctor, Dr. Pevoto (<--he's with the Austin Area OB/GYN in the Women's Center of the North Austin Medical Center. and he's awesome), tried consoling me at my 6 weeks appointment:
     (Kynzie has now been screaming for half an hour in the appointment room)
     Me: I am so sorry, it's her gas. It hurts her and so she screams. (p.s. I spent a lot of time telling people this)
     Dr: Oh don't worry about it, my first son had colic also.
     Me: Really? How long did it last? The last month has been really hard on all of us.
     Dr: My son started getting better around 3 months, so congratulations! You're halfway there!
     Me: Ohhh...great...
I was not particularly pleased with this. 3 months of this?  Even with the vacuum and the white noise, that was going to be a looooong time.  Thankfully KK decided to come around a little sooner. Right at about 2 months we started having to use the vacuum a lot less.  I also stopped giving her mylicon as often.  Seeing her happy so much more of the time has been so awesome!

Needless to say, gas had definitely become a "four letter word" in our home until recently.  But not anymore!  In fact, Kynzie's gas has become more than just normal; it's actually been really funny the last few days!

Humorous gas story number 1:

The other day Kynzie was hanging out on my lap and we were talking and playing with each other.  All of the sudden, she releases some serious air and then throws her head back, opens her mouth wide, and laughs for the first time!! It was the smallest guffaw ever, but most definitely laughter! I may or may not have cried a bit...

Humorous gas story number 2:

Kynzie has begun tooting in her sleep.  This is pretty adorable in itself, but this morning she took it to another level!  I woke up before her to feed the dogs and have some breakfast.  As I was finishing my egg and cheese bagel (my newest breakfast endeavor!) I heard something from our room. It sounded like a horn of some sort. I walked in and heard her moving around a bit and grunting, but by the time I got over to the bassinet she had gone back to sleep.  I stood there for a moment watching her beautiful sleep, when it happened again.  The loudest fart I think I've ever heard!  It actually moved her body up and down! I had to run out of the room because I was laughing so hard!

We may not be completely out of the "colic" phase, but as long as we can laugh and smile at the gas, we'll be ok!

Here's a couple pictures I took this morning of her playing :)

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