Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Dilemma

So James and I are getting pretty good at this whole "baby" thing.  We know when she's tired and when she's hungry; we can tell when she is mad or hurting or just whiny; we can identify the times when nothing but the vacuum will make her smile. But we have one area that is still a major question mark for us.

Yep, the car. Poor little Heidi!  I had been talking to her about the arrival of Kynzie for months! I got a professional carseat installer (that's right, they have those...) to install the carseat and make sure it was perfect for KK.  I put several baby einstein cd's (and my beatles lullaby cd - totally awesome) on my phone so I would have wonderful, inspiring music for her to listen to while riding in the Jeep.  I bought sunglasses that velcro around her head so they would stay on and prevent the sun from getting in her eyes when she was enjoying the drive.  And I got a mirror so I could look back at her smiling face while I drove.  Then Kynzie came and it was time to put all of my preparation to the test!!

And she hates it.  Absolutely LOATHES the car.  What?!  First of all, little Heidi is one of my all time favorite things.  James and I bought her with our children in mind!  The Jeep was purchased with thoughts of road trips with our kids! And she screams the entire time she's in it.  Awesome.  I shouldn't have been surprised...she is soo much like her mother.  Here are two examples:

1. The Seatbelt.  James is always yelling at me to put my seatbelt on.  I hate seatbelts. They don't let you get comfortable! I am always putting the shoulder strap behind my back or sticking it somewhere so it will hold the waist strap so far away from me that I could fit two of me in the seat. I guess I should have known that KK would be the same way.  As soon as the straps go down around her she is grabbing at them and straining to see if she can push them away from her. Hates hates hates the seatbelt.

2. The Rear-facing Seat.  If you know me AT ALL then you know that I am a rather social being.  I thrive off of social interactions.  I am pretty sure that if you look up extrovert in the dictionary, there is a picture of me next to it. I am not so good by myself. (which might be why I asked the DirectTV guy at best buy to stand there and talk to me even though I didn't want to buy what he was's a little sad)  Well, shockingly enough, Kynzie is the same way.  I don't know for sure, but I think she dislikes being back there by herself with only the back of the seat to look at.  When James is with us, I normally sit back there with her so she will  have someone to talk to and she won't feel so abandoned.  But when it's just the two of us, she has to sit back there all alone and's no fun.

My mom says that once she can face forward it will be better, so just another 11 months or so to go...

Luckily James found me a white noise cd that I put on my iPhone, so now we have something that calms her down on my long drives to Target and HEB :)

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