Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, May 23, 2011

Baby Steps

Let's start with a short clip:

Yep, I am embracing this classic mantra!  "But KK is too young for any kind of steps, even baby ones!" you say. Well the baby steps are not for her (yet), but for me! If you had tried to tell me that I would be spending ANY amount of time away from Kynzie already, I would have laughed at you and called you crazy! And yet I have been baby-stepping my way along!

Baby Step number 1:
       Ever since Kynzie has begun to grab hold of things and keep hold for a very extended period of time, I have found it essential to get my hair cut. My hair was well down my back and I couldn't seem to keep it out of her hands, no matter where it was! SO, off with the hair! You would think that making a hair appointment would be easy for me since I don't really have any sort of schedule during the week, but I was terrified of sitting down in the chair and then not being able to hold Kynzie if/when she started crying! I made an appointment for a late Saturday afternoon and convinced James that it would be fun to come with me and hold the baby whilst my hair was being cut. (he's awesome, btw)  But when it finally came time for me to leave, KK was asleep and James was so comfy on the couch, and I decided to go WITHOUT them. That's right! I put Kynzie in his arms and left the house sans baby, diaper bag, and baby bjorn! It was really hard at first, but by the time I was at Miss Suzy's Salon in Round Rock (let me know if you want a card...Tracy is AWESOME) I had rolled the windows down and was singing Jason Mraz at the top of my lungs! I kept my phone in my hands the whole time, but made it back home without an emergency call from James! When I arrived they were having a great time! Success!!

Baby Step number 2:
      So the haircutting appointment was a week ago, and as much as I had enjoyed the time away, I was NOT planning on stepping any more in the near future.  Then my parents and sister came into town this weekend (YAY!!!!).  They hadn't seen Kynzie in almost a month, and so it was wonderful for them to come to town! On Saturday the men had planned on going golfing and I wanted to take the ladies to Duetchen Pfest at Pfluger Park. However, just as before, when we were going to get ready to go, she fell fast asleep! Turns out my dad didn't really want to go golfing anyway, and so the boys offered to stay home with Kynzie. So Mom, April, and I went to DP all by ourselves! I made it almost 2 hours before calling, and everything was fine! I ran into several Park Crest folks and felt a little guilty that I was out without her.  I tried not to, but I wanted to explain to everyone that I still loved her and that I would be going back home to her very soon to hug and kiss her!

Baby Step number 3: (the BIG one)
       And yes, I know that a big baby step is an oxymoron, but it's true! See, the first two baby steps allowed James to stay with her while I was out.  It's not like I don't trust other people with her, but it made me feel better knowing that one of her two parents was with her!  You see, Pirates of the Caribbean #4 came out this last weekend. James and I both enjoyed the first one, and saw the other two even though they got progressively worse. We had already decided that we wouldn't be seeing the fourth one until it came out in netflix because you can't take a 2 month old to the movie theater! And then Dad came through again! He had gone to see it on Friday and since Mom didn't want to see it, they offered to keep Kynzie and let us go! I said, "Yes!" and then promptly freaked out.  James and I were going to leave KK?  Both of us? At the same time? Oh no. no no no. I tried to back out that afternoon, but then again I really wanted to go out to a movie with my husband and my sister! So in the end, we went :)  I spent the half hour before we left going over everything I could think of with my parents: "Here is how she likes to take a bath.", "This is what she should wear to bed." "Here's the milk, here's the bowl, here's the hot water; this is how you warm up a bottle of milk.", etc. It was like I thought my parents had never taken care of a baby! (clearly not true...)  But I left, kept my phone in my hand, only texted once to see how she was, and thoroughly enjoyed an evening with James and April.  I even got to have a HUGE guilt-free Dr. Pepper since she was drinking a bottle at home and the most amazing pretzel M&Ms. **sidebar: if you haven't had the new pretzel M&Ms you haven't LIVED**  When we got home Kynzie was sleeping in her bassinet and Grammy and PopT were watching TV! It was wonderful!

In the end, I still want to spend all of my time with her in my arms, but turns out I don't HAVE to! It was a wonderful weekend full of fun and love and an extremely happy baby! Now I feel like this:



  1. Hahahahahaha! I relate! It helps me to wear my mommy jewelry when I am away from Alex. My next step is to talk to people about topics other than Alex. It's gonna be a tough one!

  2. So funny your a great momma. Remember your little breaks away from her will help you and James be better parents to KK

  3. the first time i had to leave Finley was when she was 2 weeks old. one sat. i woke up after a nap and had 100.6 fever so i went to urgent care. luckily brandon's parents were here so he could come with me (mastitis-awesome!) but i too treated them like they'd never cared for a baby before. and this weekend brandon took fin to home depot while i was at old navy and i kept thinking to myself, "oh no! i forgot fin!" it's weird to be away after being inseparable since aug!
